Short Story Excerpt

It’s been a long journey to get here, but finally Gorman will have the chance to end it once and for all.  One way or another, it ends today.  Either Gormen or The Clydesman will continue on into this life; whoever the victor, the fate of the realm is at stake.

Breathing heavily and exhausted, Gorman traverses the alpine pass, with nothing but tattered leather armor he was gifted by a local tradesman back in town.  The leather was well crafted, something you could tell took many days to complete, yet it has seen battle.  The comfort is only as great as the wear it has endured.  Frayed with white cracks spreading throughout as though reminiscent of multiple lightning strikes throughout the hide; Protection is scant, but he will be able to move with the agility of a wild cat.

Children playing at war have more of an arsenal on them than what he had remaining.  On any other day, to find Gorman would be to find him with enough weaponry and tools of destruction on him to make the devil blush.  Alas, this trek has left him with but a single blade, a Grantix, a heavy sword shorter in nature than your standard apparatus, at only 2.5 feet long and double edged.  A Gratix will take down any beast meant of eating, however when facing a skilled opponent with the staff of Jacairo, one’s luck must be paramount.

Dusk sets in on day two to the top of the mountain where Gorman must make camp for the night.  Having been raised by his father and uncles, Gorman is at home in the wilderness.  Learning to hunt at an early age; scouting, fighting, basically anything that would prepare a person to live off the wilds of nature, as the great deity intended.  Building a fire and roasting a few squirrels was second nature for Gorman and actually quite calming, which he needed knowing what was to come.

Knowing full well that when dawn comes, it may very well be his last opportunity to witness the great fire warm his skin, Gorman prepares his spirit for battle.  Ready to move on from this plane, he embarks on the final ascent to the peak, ready to move on, but not yet willing…