A sexy latex suit wearing blond, the witty sidekick, tech nerds, a secretive government project and your every day mind melding into the dead; what else could you possibly ask for? It’s been almost a year since Freeform (and trust me we’ll get into that name change on another post) pulled the plug after only 3 seasons despite a massive fan following. This type of show isn’t really in the wheel house of “ABC Family” so I’m actually surprised it lasted as long as it did. This has CW, FOX or SYFY written all over it. In the year since the news of the end, multiple petitions have been going around to get it picked up by one of the aforementioned networks, among others; alas, a success it was not.
Without providing any (well, nothing too important) spoilers, allow me to take you on a journey as to why this was such a great show and why we all need to blow fresh life onto the fading embers that are the remaining trickles of life this show possibly has.
The basic premise of the show is that there is a secret government program where they “stitch” into the mind of a recently murdered person and join minds in an attempt to solve the murder.
Let’s start off with the amazing cast:

The title character Kristen Clark, played by Emma Ishta is extremely complex to say the least, well, complex and at the same time very simple. She suffers from what is known in the show as Temporal Dysplasia which means she does not experience time like the rest of us. Something that happened to her as a child feels as if it happened yesterday. This as you could imagine would make it impossible to forget anything (including any relationship arguments) This leads to why she never had a real relationship. This, special gift, is what makes her uniquely qualified for the Stitcher program. She plays this complexity very well and comes off very cold and without feeling which is part of the magic of watching her character grow. And let’s be honest, it doesn’t hurt that her stitching into dead bodies doesn’t work unless she is wearing a skin tight latex body suit, bonus points!

Camile Engelson, Kristen’s roommate and BFF, who gets sucked into this program provides much needed comic relief as the witty sidekick. I have been a big fan of Alison ever since her stint on another favorite, Warehouse 13 (note to self: write up a post on that show) However she plays almost the same character, techie nerd chick with attitude. I for one am certainly hoping she finds herself another Sci-Fi home and soon.

This is the first major role for Kyle Harris who plays Cameron, the brains behind piloting the stitcher program and he who has the doe eyes for Kristen. These two take on the role of the will they/won’t they in this particular drama series. Kyle portrays the tech nerd Cameron who wants to be the cool guy to get the girl perfectly.
Ritesh plays Linus, best friend to Cameron. Cameron’s very own Camile. Ritesh too, is complicated and other than Kristen, his character might have the most development throughout the series. Linus works in tandem with Cameron to help navigate Kristen through the minds of the dead.

Salli is no stranger to Science Fiction or television show at all for that matter, you can see her work in many shows going back to the early 90’s and she looks great! She takes on the role of Maggie, mama bear and NSA leader of this team. She is cold and hard to read, she keeps her secrets but cares greatly for the team. She is caught in a tough spot, she wants to do what’s best for her people to keep them safe, while at the same time having to answer to some less than desirable characters who are overseeing this project which is not necessarily 100% sanctioned.
Finally we round out this cast with the muscle. TV Veteran Damon Dayoub playing Detective Fisher as local PD who is assigned to this program because not only do they need a “legitimate” reason to be poking around crime scenes, but it’s also dangerous and local PD detective assigned to protect this scooby gang is most warranted. He comes with his own demons that he is facing while keeping everyone safe, as well as his distance. To be honest, I don’t really see him in the SciFi genre, I’m glad he found a home on Chicago Fire
To wrap things up here, Stitchers was a breath of fresh air that didn’t take itself too seriously. There was cool paranormal, even fringe science tech, a good looking cast with some potential romances and some cloak and dagger. The last season left off with quite the cliffhanger and for the unfortunately very slim chance that it gets picked up, I won’t reveal where we left off, sufficed to say, if you haven’t given this show a chance yet, it’s worth a shot.